Why Choose Antlers as Dog Treats?


Antler FAQs

Are there any additives or preservatives?

They are 100% organic. Antlers are all natural with no additives or preservatives. We do not add any scents or flavors.

Are antlers good for my dog?

Antlers are very good for your dog as they contain essential nutrients and minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus.


My dog is chewing and consuming the antler is this OK?

Yes, they can be consumed and are very healthy for your dog, unlike other plastic chews that warn against consumption. They will consume the antler, especially the softer marrow on the inside, but when it becomes very small it should be taken from them to remove the hazard of choking on it.

What size is best for my dog?

We have a chart that will give you an idea, but this can vary, and you may find that your dog likes a bigger or smaller piece.

Dog's WeightRecommended Antler Size
5 - 15lbs XS
15 - 35lbs S
35 - 65lbs M
65 - 95lbs L
95+lbs XL

How long will an antler last?


This is a good question. They typically last for months, but this depends on how aggressive your dog chews. These are great for aggressive chewers that destroy other chew toys in a single day.

It also depends if it is a whole or a split piece. The split pieces will not last as long as a whole pieces.